Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Two amazing books...

Some of you may know Susan Fowler, a colorful and energetic local storyteller. Susan has been collaborating with us to create a cMoe coloring book. The book should be released soon and we think you'll LOVE it!

Speaking of books, we thought our readers might find this interesting. Susan was here today for a meeting, and she brought with her an interesting book. Believe it or not, her friend retrieved this from a recycling bin! On the outside, it looks like a pretty average vintage book: (A little research revealed that it is a collection of poetry about animals. Used copies are still available for sale on Amazon!)

But when you open it up ...

Wow! Someone took the time to out every single picture, making a beautiful 3D creation! 

"In the grass a thousand little people pass." 

 A boy riding a lion ... don't try this at home! 

"The wind cracked his whip/The storm flashed a gun/And the animal-clouds marched one by one/Under the tent of the sky." - Rowena Bastin Bennett

A little lemur...

The book is signed by Mary Scruggs and says May 1938. If anyone knows who this might be, or who might have created the book, let us know! 

What a fun and interesting discovery. We thought you'd enjoy seeing it.

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