Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why is the sky blue and the grass green?

Why is the sky blue?

Let’s start with the color of sunlight. The sun looks white or yellow, right? The sun’s light is actually made of the colors of a rainbow. Our atmosphere acts like a prism. A prism is something that manipulates different parts of white light. 

When light hits something it either:

In this case, the water and gas molecules in our atmosphere make the different colors in the light scatter, but leave the blue light behind. 

 Why is the grass green?

Grass produces energy through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of taking sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide and turning it into energy for the plant to grow. This chemical process also creates oxygen for us to breathe!

Chlorophyll is what is in the plant that turns these elements into energy. Chlorophyll absorbs only a certain color of light. The green light is what is left over and is what our eyes see. 

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